About the Governors

Woodlands Federation Governing Board’s role is –

  • to ensure the clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the Federation;
  • to hold leaders to account for the educational performance of the schools in the Federation and the performance management of staff;
  • to oversee the financial performance of the schools and make sure all money is well spent.

The full Governing Board is made up of 2 Parent Governors, 1 Staff Governor, 1 Local Authority Governor, 2 Foundation Governors, the 2 Headteachers and up to 7 co-opted governors. The governors have a range of skills and experiences that enable them to carry out their roles effectively.

If you are interested in becoming a governor in the future, please e-mail Monica Pell, our Chair of Governors m.pell@woodlandsfederation.org.uk

The full Governing Board meets at least six times per year. Governors also use their identified skills and expertise in the Finance Committee and in working groups that are created from time to time, these have a specific focus and report back to the full Governing Board. All members of the Governing Board have full voting rights. Associate members only have voting rights in committee meetings.

Minutes of the Full Governing Board meetings are available and can be accessed through the school office. If printed versions are required, they will be supplied free of charge.

Governor Roles & Responsibilities

Governor Category of Governor Appointed by Date of Appointment End of Term of Office Roles & Responsibilities Business and Financial Interests Relationship with Staff/Governors Governor at another school Attendance at Meetings 2022-2023
Paul Cox Headteacher N/A 01/09/2020 Whilst in post Headteacher of Dallington None None None 8/9
Claire Kinsella Headteacher N/A 01/09/2020 Whilst in post Headteacher of Punnetts Town None Yes None 9/9
Su Black Staff governor Staff 03/02/2020 02/02/2024 EYFS Teacher at Punnetts Town None None None 9/9
Revd Marc Lloyd Foundation governor Diocese 01/09/2014 Whilst in post Link Governor for Curriculum and Christian Distinctiveness None None None 8/9
Miss Fenella Holmes Foundation governor Diocese 12/07/2022 11/07/2026 Link Governor for GDPR, Christian Distinctiveness None None None 8/9
Bintou Sy Parent governor Parents 14/07/2021 13/07/2025 Co-Vice Chair and Link Governor for SEND and Inclusion, Data, Website and Communications and member of Finance Committee None None None 8/12
Tom Walker Parent governor Parents 27/03/2024 26/03/2028 Member of Finance Committee None None None New 2024
Monica Pell Co-opted governor FGB 16/05/2022 15/05/2026 Chair, Link Governor for EYFS, Data, Pupil and Sports Premium, H&S and Premises, Christian Distinctiveness, Safeguarding and  Chair of Finance Committee None None Director of The Wells Free School 12/12
Susan  Conaway Co-opted governor FGB 28/11/2019 27/11/2023 Federation SENDCo None None None 5/9
Kirsty Coates Co-opted governor FGB 19/06/2023 18/06/2027 Link Governor for MHWB and RSE None None None 7/9
Denyse Whitehouse Co-opted governor FGB 01/01/2022 31/12/2026 Co-Vice Chair, Link Governor for EYFS, H&S and Premises and Safeguarding and member of Finance Committee None None None 12/12
Robin Martin-Jenkins Co-opted governor FGB 20/04/2022 19/04/2026 Link Governor for Pupil and Sports Premium and member of Finance Committee None None None 9/12
Susan d’Espagnac Co-opted governor FGB 18/10/2023 18/10/2027 Link Governor for MHWB and RSE Initial Teacher Education, University of Sussex None None New 2023
Kathryn King Co-opted governor FGB 27/03/2024 26/03/2028 New None None None New 2024
Alison Doig Local Authority governor LA 28/11/2023 27/11/2027 Link governor for SEND and Inclusion and Curriculum and member of Finance Committee None None None 11/12
Anita Saunders Associate governor FGB 12/05/2021 11/05/2025 Secretary/Bursar at Punnetts Town and member of Finance Committee None None None 10/12
Shirley Chagouri-Brindle Associate governor FGB 12/05/2021 11/05/2025 Secretary/Bursar at Dallington and member of Finance Committee None None None 11/12
Kim Venner Clerk FGB 26/05/2022 Whilst in post Clerk, Training and Development and Website and Communications None None None 9/9
Governors who have left the governing body in the last 12 months
Mrs Claire Burgess Co-opted governor FGB 16/06/2021 30/08/2023 Link governor for Safeguarding None None None 4/9
Marie Edwards Co-opted governor FGB 20/04/2022 03/09/2023 Link governor for MHWB and RSE, Attendance None None None 8/9
Claire  Mayhew Parent governor Parents 18/09/2023 17/09/2027 Safeguarding  Governor None None None 7/9